What is a healthy skin?
Spincontrol proposes a "Healthy skin / Beautiful skin" protocol
After being the first to measure skin radiance, Spicontrol is now interested in the concept of "healthy skin/ beautiful skin". Clinical evaluation and image analysis provide a scientific quantification of skin homogeneity and radiance, however isn't it necessary to also consider the respect of its microbiota?
The cutaneous microbiota constitutes a barrier which protects us againts infections and inflammation. Microbiota composition of each human being is influenced by several factors: age, gender, environment etc. Our microbial signature is meant to be as unique as our DNA profile.
Spincontrol collaborates with one of its partners to offer a unique and multi-paranetrical protocol allowing to prove the preservation of the cutaneous microbiota. This new protocol is already available in France and will be available in the near future in each subsidiary of the group in Canada, Thailand, India and Indonesia.
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